In 2019, the Fund was established in honor of Donald L. Chapman, IM 1961, commemorating his 40 years of service on the McKenney’s, Inc. Board of Directors. Amoung McKenney’s driving principles is its steadfast belief in giving back to the greater community through gifts of time, service, and financial resources.
Don Chapman is known throughout Atlanta as a respected businessman, entrepreneur, and civic leader, whose business prowess is matched only by his philanthropic spirit. He has a long history of giving back to Georgia Tech through both board and committee engagement, as well as significant charitable contributions in support of students, faculty, research, and athletics. Through this endowment, Don’s legacy of service in business and the community is honored.
In leading and serving on boards of associations and organizations that serve people with disabilities in myriad ways, I was convinced of the importance of programs like Excel for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) that addresses the full scope of the needs of this population. As a Georgia Tech Alum, it makes me proud to be a yellow jacket knowing we are serving the entire community.
- Don Chapman
Please indicate that you want to contribute to the Donald L. Chapman Endowment Fund when submitting your gift for Excel.